Omega: Dethroning the Alpha Male Illusion

Anthony Esteves
5 min readDec 3, 2024


My boys and I

A title that has been uttered more in the last few years than in the entire existence of mankind. The moniker has been uttered in every corner of the male realm. From senators to podcasters to social media influencers, the alpha male is what men believe they need to be. They feel they must achieve the title of “real men.” To fulfill their great destiny while on this Earth.

But what is “the alpha male?”

Webster’s Dictionary defines the adjective alpha as “socially dominant especially in a group of animals.” This explains the comparisons to animals the alpha-infatuated fellas tend to make. Their ever-poetic references to being wolves rather than sheep. Men who deem themselves too important to consider the opinions of those beneath them.

One of the loudest of this sub-genre of species is the despicable Andrew Tate — a man who sits before his microphone and unleashes his toxicity to the masses, primarily to a fanbase of young men who eat up every single thing he spews. Tate ridicules women who dare to live their lives how they choose. Anything outside of staying home and raising the kids is abhorrent to Tate. He admonishes women who dare to be single and enjoy the nightlife — an act he performs as he surrounds himself with the very types of women he professes to despise.

Part of being an alpha involves being a hypocrite, it seems…

Being a hypocrite isn’t the only element in Tate’s genetic makeup; the other would be cowardice. It takes a true coward to see a father attempting to acquire donations to pay for his child’s life-saving medical care and mock him — a tactic taken by Tate on October 4th, 2017. A moment that proved Tate knows nothing of what it means to be a real man.

A real man with Tate’s level of wealth would see this father taking every step possible to save his son and easily make a large contribution. A real man wouldn’t care if that father ever criticized him in the past, because whatever disagreement the two shared had nothing to do with the well-being of an innocent child.

However, Tate is not a real man. Instead of helping this child, he took to Twitter to ridicule the father, uttering vitriolic nonsense about his multiple fancy cars being worth more than the child’s procedure and calling the father “a failure.” He went so far as to tweet this:

“It’s nothing to me. Youre [sic] comic books have failed, but I am a success. Ask nicely and I’ll save your son.”

Whether Tate donated to the child’s surgery matters not. What matters is that Tate — when having the opportunity to be a real man — chose to follow this illusion of being an alpha. An illusion that revealed Tate’s true character: that of a weak, insecure, cowardly man-child. Tate can attempt to disguise his weakness with his homes, his cars, his wardrobe, and his many luxuries. Yet, his true character remains on display in the archives of Twitter. He is a prime example of this manufactured status called the alpha. A falsified status that has revealed its weak infrastructure given Tate’s continued arrests for human trafficking and assault.

Whether it’s Tate, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, or the numerous others with microphones and loyal followers, the rants of the alphas are persistent. These alleged “wolves” are empowered by their collective cries for defending manhood. However, their message is flawed, their stance is antiquated, and their audience is being duped every step of the way.

Today’s definition of alpha is a man threatened by independent women. They see women independently succeeding, no matter what the field may be, and feel contempt toward them. They are enraged by the idea of women thriving in business — especially when they have no intention of marrying or starting a family. A woman daring to date different men and choosing not to settle down with one forever is blasphemous to the 21st-century alpha. Moreover, the queer, bisexual, and lesbian woman is to be forever damned in the mindset of these cowards. To the new alpha, a “good woman” chooses to submit to her man and remain barefoot and pregnant at home — a throwback to a weak, ignorant mindset that men should have evolved out of long ago.

So, how does society counter this toxic ideology? How do we counter the Tates and the growing hordes of alphas? Well, an absolute cure is not something this writer has for you. What he has is an alternative. An alternative that is only to be shouldered by men willing to oppose the alpha viewpoint.

I offer the Omega.

The Omega is authentic, non-judgmental, and welcoming. The Omega isn’t preoccupied with attacking those who live differently than they do. The Omega doesn’t boost its confidence by demanding it be seen as a wolf. The Omega doesn’t see being kind and inclusive to all as a weakness.

On the contrary, the Omega accepts all. Omegas don’t need to be seen as wolves; they don’t abide by social hierarchies and constructs. They thrive without any preconceived expectations of what makes a man. They don’t concern themselves with looking “manly.” Their manhood is defined by the respect they earn through the positivity they exude and the negativity they stand against.

More importantly, Omegas aren’t weak, insecure boys oozing bully mindsets to feel accomplished. They don’t require the fellowship of a blind audience that agrees with their every word and action. They don’t feel empowered through the degradation of women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community. Instead, Omegas are empowered by defending those attacked by alphas. Where alphas punch down, Omegas punch up. Always.

It is time for more men to embrace the ways of the Omega. Be whatever type of man you yearn to be, and allow others to be whatever they choose. Drop the facade of “knowing all” and painting yourself as “the wolf.” Stop believing it is your purpose to control women; it never has been and it never will be. Stop demanding assimilation over something you have no control over. Your ability to be in front of a microphone and camera while you go on your minuscule diatribes about manhood doesn’t grant you this great wizardly vision. It just makes you look like an ignorant, knuckle-dragging buffoon who peaked in high school.

Do better. Be an ally. Lift others while you lift yourself. Hold space for those voices who need to be heard. Promote achieving success in however way one views that success — whether it’s getting a massive promotion or cleaning the house. Stop judging and spend more time celebrating.

Drop the alpha and choose to be Omega.



Anthony Esteves
Anthony Esteves

Written by Anthony Esteves

Creator of the podcast Based On A True Journey. Co-creator of The Capeless Crusaders podcast. Writer, actor, husband, father, and lover of all things film/TV.

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